5 Positive Life Habits That Actually Work

Making positive changes in your life is no small task. Whether it’s eating a few more veggies every day, exercising regularly, or quitting drugs and alcohol for good, every change takes strong willpower and determination. By incorporating small changes into your daily routine, you can make a big impact in your life over the long term.

I personally struggled with drug and alcohol abuse throughout my youth. I used harmful substances as an escape from the harsh realities of my life. It wasn’t until I checked into drug rehab that I decided to make a big change in my life and get sober for good. It didn’t happen overnight, but by committing to various small changes and healthy habits, I got clean and haven’t looked back since. I’ve now been sober for over eight years and can’t imagine the person I’d be had I not made that decision to cut drugs and alcohol out of my life.

This article is about the 5 positive life habits I incorporated into my life to get sober and live healthier. I’ve learned so much since the day I decided to get clean in alcohol detox and rehab, and I’m grateful to have the opportunity to share what I’ve learned with the world. However, you don’t have to be struggling with drug or alcohol abuse to integrate these habits into your life. Each one of these habits can make a positive impact in anyone’s life!

  1. Positivity is Knowing How to Make Your Day a Good One

Positive people are proactive, not reactive. Sitting around, taking no action, but still expecting things to change for the better is not the attitude of a positive person. Positive people are always thinking about a way to get involved in how their own lives are built. They consistently strive to make the most out of every single day because they know that time is the most valuable currency.

Take some time to reflect on what makes a day “good” to you. Maybe it’s spending some time with family or friends. Perhaps it’s as simple as treating yourself to a cappuccino. Whatever the case may be, discovering how to make your day a good day is one of the keys to living a great life.

  1. Positivity is Empowerment

Positivity is all about empowering yourself and taking control of your own thoughts. Being positive is a choice we make every single day when we wake up. A positive person is ok with receiving support and help from those that are safe to be around – this was a vital part of the beginning of my recovery process.

Positive people recognize their basic human rights, have developed a healthy sense of self-respect for themselves, regardless of their faults and limitations, and, probably most importantly, they know how to forgive and move on.

  1. Positivity is Knowing the Difference between Letting Go&Quitting

There is a huge difference between letting go and quit. Some situations become unmanageable or unworkable, and positive people know when to step back from them and let go.

It’s not quitting – it’s personally deciding that something is simply not working. It’s having the mental fortitude to recognize that it’s time for a change. Beliefs, ideas, even the people we are around can all be changed if we decide, on a personal level, that they are simply no good for us. The difference between positive people and negative people – negative people just quit.

  1. Positivity is about Possibilities, Not Limitations

Positive people recognize their capabilities and rejoice in them. They know, without a doubt, that they can’t solve every problem, but they do solve the ones they can. Keeping this mindset was crucial during my recovery. I encourage you to adapt this mindset yourself to discover the infinite possibilities that exist for you.

Additionally, positive people constantly seek self-improvement, be it personally, academically or professionally. They are constantly seeking ways to grow personally and intellectually, which leads to self-satisfaction and a rewarding life.

  1. Positivity is Leaving the Past in the Past

Everyone has bad memories. Dealing with them is a part of life. Positive people leave such memories where they happened (and where they belong) – in the past. For a positive person, it is more important to create a good memory today than to dwell on the past.

Unfortunately, negative people tend only to revisit the bad memories, and they do so constantly. Would you consider that to be a healthy way to live?

60% Today, 60% Tomorrow…

The last thing I want to mention is this: 60% of what we do today, we will do tomorrow. We are human and we are creatures of habit. It makes a lot of sense to ensure that those habits are good and positive ones. I always keep this in mind when I start my day. What habits do you want to form today, and what habit do you want to leave behind?

So there you have it – 5 positive life habits that actually work. Feel free to share them with your network, family, and friends. Maybe you have other habits that have worked for you? If so, please also feel free to share with a comment below.