WC Sailing Team Opens The Season With Third-Place Finish

The sailing team of Washington College opened its season and it finished at the third-place. The total of five teams participated in the event at the Hampton’s Edward Teach Memorial Open and WC came third. In the regatta combined scoring was used that scoring A and B Divisions was calculated together.

Edward Teach Memorial Open (ETMO)

  • The highlights of Washington College

The B Division pair Washington with skipper  Ellie Lienert and Will Sunkler and the skipper duo of A Division  Andrew Vernon and Paul Hart finished in almost similar scores that is 34 and 35, respectively, with Lienert and Sunkler taking the third position in the 10 combined scoring and Vernon and Hart placing fourth.

Lienert and Sunkler finished second in the third as well as sixth races and in the fourth race; they finished in the third position. The best finishes of Vernon and Hart were the second finish in the seventh race.


  • There were shifty and Light winds on the both days of the regatta and made the condition little challenging for the participants. On Saturday, four races were done and finished and on Sunday three races were raced.
  • Host of the event was Hampton and it was the winner of the regatta.
  • This was the first regatta of Washington raced under the guidance of Bradley Adam, the first-year head coach.

Students shared their experience about the regatta and said, “It was amazing, we enjoyed it thoroughly. The weather was good, but less challenging and this added some difficulties in the race.”

Will Sunkler the skipper said, “Earlier we face difficulty, but then we understood the wind and started sailing confidently. The races without challenges have no fun as we don’t get much opportunity to do something. So, shifty wind made my day.”