Taragh Bracken’s Pro Interior Design Secrets

Taragh Bracken has a secret talent that only her close friends and family are aware of. When she’s not trailblazing through a new family suit, she’s decorating and re-decorating her powder room or mapping out this summer’s décor concept for her garden party. There’s no one like a renowned Whitby attorney to be a big talker (and doer) both inside and outside of the courtroom.


When Taragh’s home feels complete as per the upcoming season, she feels completely zen and ready to tackle the day’s objectives. When you work in a highly-intensive profession and have young children to care for, you can spend a lot of time multi-tasking at home. This makes the home environment even more critical to your performance. There are a few tricks that this lawyer has picked up throughout her journey of re-furbishing and re-decorating every single corner of her home. Read on!


  • Opt for Performance Fabrics


When you have little one’s trailing around your living room with cookies in their hands, it can be a tough sell to bring in nice neutrals into your space. Thankfully, with performance fabrics you don’t need to worry about blotting away for hours on your crisp white sofa when your kid spills some OJ. This stain-resistant fabric makes it a treat to wipe off clean.


  • Large Art in Small Spaces Work


It can always be a challenge to decorate a tiny space. Whether it be a duster room or an attic, there are ways to work around such constraints. Choose a large abstract painting for your smaller rooms, and don’t fret over choosing a vibrant wallpaper for your guest bathroom that has a few too many un-delicate angles. These items bring forth a focal point for you to concentrate on when walking through these rooms.


  • Avoid Gallery Wall Mistakes


One pro tip that you don’t want to miss is cutting out cardboard pieces from old boxes and using them as a play-layout for your gallery wall. Cut each piece into the respective dimensions of your paintings and use paint tape to hang them up. Test out the layout, and don’t worry about making changes before you permanently put a screw in your wall!