Lower Back Problems – Chronic Lower Back Pain

It is common for people to experience lower back pain but hard to diagnose the source of back pain. Understanding how an unhealthy spine can cause pain is a step in dealing with lower back problems

Chronic lower back pain is a sign of a potentially serious lower back problem and is most often nerve-related. The spine is composed of bones called vertebrae. These bones are stacked together like blocks. The five bottom vertebrae make up the lumbar spine. Lower back problems can be caused by many different things and can manifest itself in many different ways.

Symptoms of Lower Back Problems

Symptoms of lower back problems vary from one person to another. Some people experience pain after undergoing a certain activity. For others, pain is constant and is a part of everyday life. Chronic low back pain is just one of the many symptoms arising from an unhealthy lumbar spine. Here are some other symptoms to be aware of.

Causes of Chronic Lower Back Pain

The disk that separates vertebrae can push out and press on a nerve. Vertebrae can also slip out of place, or it can also begin to rub against each other. All of these cause pressure on the nerves, which consequently result in lower back pain. Here are some of the causes of lower back pain.

Pressure on the nerves coming from a disk – Disk degeneration results in the weakening of the disk. As a result, it pushes outward, and the protruding portion may press against a nearby nerve.

Pressure on the nerves coming from a bone – As an individual gets older; the disk that separates the vertebrae may eventually wear out. Without a healthy disk, the bones may begin to touch. This can cause a lot of pressure on the nerves.

Pressure on the nerves coming from slipped vertebrae – Instability in the spine can cause a vertebra to slip forward. This can also cause a lot of pain due to the irritation of not only the nerves but the joint as well.

Lower Back Pain Treatment Options

Regardless of the symptoms and causes, lower back problems can be debilitating. It can limit an individual’s life. Performing simple tasks, even as simple as lifting groceries or picking up a child can be challenging and at times frustrating. To some people, the feeling of being in constant pain can cause of depression. To help an individual reduce back pain, surgical or non-surgical treatment may be recommended.

Non-Surgical Treatment

This treatment option requires a change in daily activities and lifestyle. It can also include physical therapy and medication.

Surgical Treatment – Surgery may include procedures that remove a portion or entire bone at the back of the spinal canal or a portion of a damaged disk. It may also include procedure wherein bone graft is used to stabilize the spine.