How to eat your way to good health

A little bit of what you fancy is not a problem, especially during the holidays. One way to ensure you start 2018 off right is to take an interest in where your food is coming from and making a point of eating fresh, local produce.

Add fresh produce to every meal

Changing your eating habits doesn’t have to mean completely changing your diet. You can start off small. If you are eating large amounts of junk food, cut down on the amount you eat every day, especially if your children are too.

If you are eating oatmeal for breakfast, add a banana for a potassium boost. Add fresh fruit and vegetables to your lunch; you don’t necessarily have to eat a salad, but add an apple or carrot sticks. Dinner should always include a good dose of fresh produce like leafy green vegetables. This way you can ensure you are getting your five-a-day.

Cut down on salt and refined sugar

Your body does need a certain amount of salt to function properly but too much can have health implications. Too much salt causes your body to store extra water and raises your blood pressure. This puts strain on your heart, arteries, kidneys and brain which puts you are higher risk of:

  • Heart attacks
  • Strokes
  • Dementia
  • Kidney disease

We crave sugar from a young age because through evolution we have discovered the sweeter the taste the more calories the food is likely to contain. Before there were readily available sources of food, eating sugar would give you a boost of energy in the form of calories. Refined sugar has created an abundance that has proven to be unhealthy. Too much sugar in your diet can cause your body to become insulin resistant, leaving glucose in your blood steam. High levels of glucose in your blood stream can lead to type 2 diabetes.

Support your local farmers

Peruse your local farming directory and agricultural magazine to see what producers are available in your area. Investing in your local producers means you are investing in your local community.You are supporting their businesses, so they can continue to provide their produce.The closer the farm the fresher the produce; you can’t lose and your body will thank you for it.