How Long Does Marijuana Stay In Your Hair Follicles?

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It does not matter if you enjoy smoking every single day or occasionally because the worst enemy of cannabis users is drug tests. Even though we tend to relax or use it for medical conditions, employers are still strict and will not allow employees to have THC inside.

However, as soon as you smoke a joint, THC will enter your bloodstream, and in a matter of few days, it will enter your hair follicles and shortly afterward be the part of your newly grew hair. 

Therefore, in the next three months, you will fail the hair drug test, and that is something you should remember. In case you are in search of a job, that is not a pleasant prospect, because today, hair tests became more popular than before.

Today, it is one of the most commonly used tests that will provide your ability to detect long-term usage. At the same time, it is not invasive, and it requires a few minutes, which is not the case with blood and urine tests. 

Of course, the worst thing that you can do is to tell yourself that you will fail, because you can find ways to beat it by using hair testing shampoo such as Aloe Rid (old formula). 

The main idea is to understand how this particular type of screening functions before you starts with the detoxification process:

How Does THC Enter Your Hair?

As soon as you eat, vape or smoke weed, you are going to release its active compounds inside your bloodstream. We are talking about THC, and as soon as it starts pumping through your veins, blood will reach every single cell in your body and compounds will travel with it.

Since hair follicle, the drug test is checking out the contents of THC metabolites that your body broke down; these byproducts will enter your hair follicles from which new hair will start to grow.

In the next few weeks, as your hair starts growing, you will carry around cannabis metabolites around your scalp, which means that you will not pass the test. The best way to learn more on hair analysis is by checking here for more information.

How Long Does It Stay In Hair?

According to most experts and professionals, the typical timeframe in which you will be able to detect the weed is three months. It is based on the idea that during that time, the hair will get past the scalp, and it will be the part of samples that administrators will take during the screening.

You will need between five and ten days before the metabolites enter your hair, and since administrators will take 1.5 inches of hair from your scalp, you will have compounds inside. 

The idea is that hair tends to grow at 0.5 inches per month, which means that you will need three months to cleanse yourself thoroughly.

How Does Hair Testing Function?

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As soon as administrators take your hair samples, they will remove external substances and contaminants and place into the solution that will break it down into particles. 

This particular solution will go through ELISA screen, which is a procedure that will use antibodies to bind molecules such as THC or other drugs as well.

In case that test is positive, another part of the sample will go through the second step of screening, which is known as mass spectrometry or gas chromatography. These techniques are more accurate, and it will provide you the exact amount and frequency of usage as well.

Finally, administrators will check whether screening is false positive by confirming the levels of byproducts inside. In case that it remains the same, you will fail. 

If you wish to learn how to pass this particular type of test, you should check out this site:

Different Types of Testing Errors

When it comes to hair testing, you should know that it features numerous variables and factors, which means that false positives are possible. Of course, it does not yet clear what you should avoid and whether your hair can incorporate compounds from the second-hand smoke.

At the same time, hair color can also affect the sensitivity of the test, which means that darker hairs tend to be more sensitive than lighter shades, and that is something you should remember. 

The number we have mentioned above about hair growth rate is general rate, but it depends from person to person, so there are chances that you may still be positive after three months of abstinence.