Better Opportunities for the Perfect Yacht Journey

The sea is an aggressive environment and needs to take into account constantly, adapting and navigation and maintenance of the yacht to the conditions encountered.


Your yacht is designed in accordance with European standards to ensure an acceptable level of safety in navigation, within the limits of the design category for which it is certified. These sailing limit conditions are defined with reference to wind, waves, for a load and a maximum number of people on board.

  • The maximum wind is expressed in Beaufort which corresponds to an average speed over 10 minutes. Gusts can be much stronger and must be taken into account by the skipper.
  • The significant height of the waves, again, corresponds to an average. Over 24 hours, the highest waves encountered can be up to twice as high! They can also correspond to a well round swell, spectacular but not presenting any particular danger or being breaking and extremely dangerous. Here too, the skipper must take this into account.

In other words, it is quite possible to find yourself in trouble or even seriously damage your yacht, within the limits of its design only because of bursts, breaking waves or a bad maneuver. The load and the maximum number of people are two other criteria that must be respected. In particular, the stability of the yacht is certified for the maximum load with the entire crew on one side of the yacht. In this situation, the yacht must respect a maximum pitch and a minimum cove in relation to the surface of the water, reasonably preventing the yacht from capsizing or being invaded. Surely from you will be getting the inputs for the

Finally, the maximum power recommended by the manufacturer is intended to achieve optimal speeds, calm seaand maximum load without damaging the structure of the yacht, or suffer excessive instability. But it is imperative that the skipper adjusts, permanently, the speed and the power according to the sea conditions and the passengers, to ensure a smooth and comfortable navigation. Yachts were seriously damaged and even destroyed by a single shock on a wave stronger than the others because of excessive speed. Fatal accidents occur regularly by ejection of a passenger or pilot by the mere fact of acceleration too strong.All information on yacht capacity is shown on the nameplate and in the user manual.

Most yachts are certified in design category C or B:

Design Category C: maximum wind of 6 Beaufort and significant wave height of 2m maximum. Remember that in the context of yachting, even if a yacht is certified in category C or above, it is particularly imprudent to go to sea in such conditions where the highest waves can reach 4m and gusts of wind exceed 8 Beaufort. Even if the yacht can navigate in such conditions, sometimes with ease, the slightest damage resulting from a bad maintenance, a bad maneuver or the fall of an object or a crew member can put the ship in distress and end in dramatic conditions.